- This page will contain some notes on PMW, which ideally will be useful when needing to customize or debug a widget.
- PMW is built on Tkinter, so all of the PMW widgets are made up of various Tkinter components. It is these components that will likely need to be configured to get the look and feel that you need.
However, the first place to look is at the options available to the widget you are working on, so look at the PMW documentation here
To get a list of all components in the PMW widget just call components(), ex: For a list box object, we would do:
1 print pmwListBoxObject.components()
with the result being: [‘horizscrollbar’, ‘hull’, ‘label’, ‘listbox’, ‘vertscrollbar’]. So, those are the Tkinter components that comprise the PMW ScrolledListBox.
View the Tkinter documentation for all available options for the Tkinter object here or here are decent places to start.
Find the option you want to configure, and then apply the option in the following manner: pwmObjectName.configure(TkinterObjectName_configureOption = configureValue):
1 pmwListBoxObject.configure(listbox_state = "disabled")
- Sometimes it might be useful to see all the addresses of a widget that has been gridded, do something like:
1 print pmwListBoxObject.grid_slaves()