- These step-by-step instructions will guide you through fitting fibers’ orientation data in 2D space (on a plane)
Fiber is an important structure of cardiac muscle which plays a critical role in cardiac muscle properties.
Therefore, the heart model will be realistic if it has fiber data. - The concept of fiber fitting is to put the initial value of fiber angle (in radian) which should specifically refer from Xi(1) or Xi(2) direction
An automated script that runs this tutorial is included in the Continuity installation: \examples\data02\ To run it, click File→Read script→Python or session script
Start Continuity
- Launch the Continuity Client
On the About Continuity startup screen
check the fitting box under Use Modules:
Click OK to bring up the main window
Set up mesh
Select rectangular cartesian in the Global Coordinates: pop-up menu
Click OK to submit Coordinate Form
Choose Lagrange Basis Function→2D→Linear-Linear
Click Add
Choose Hermite Basis Function→2D→Cubic-Cubic
Click Add
- Verify that the list of basis functions now contains:
- Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3
- Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3
Click OK to submit Basis Form
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited nodes file ( nodes.xls )
- You should now have nodes numbered 1-25
Click on the Field Vector 1 tab
Select Cubic-Cubic under Field Variable 1
Click on the Fiber Angle tab
Select Cubic-Cubic under Fiber Angle, Transverse Angle, and Sheet Angle
Click OK to submit Node Form
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited elements file ( elems.xls )
- You should have 16 elements in the list
Click OK to submit Element Form
Click the lines radio button
Click Render
Mesh→Edit→Material Coordinates…
Click on the OK Button
Leave default settings and click OK
- The mesh should now look similar to the first screenshot above
Set up fitting
If the Fitting menu is not loaded, select File→Load Continuity Modules…
Select fitting and click OK
- The menu bar should now show the Fitting command
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited data file ( data.xls )
- You should now have Data numbered 11-169
Click OK to submit Data Form
Simply click OK after opening the Weights form
Simply click OK after opening the Constraints form
In the Cooridinates tab, select coord_1, coord_2, coord_3 for the three coordinates
In the Fibers tab, select field1_Var1 for Fiber Angle
In the Fitting Variables tab, *deselect* Coordinate 1, Coordinate 2, Coordinate 3, and Fiber Angle
Click the Fit button (Don’t close the Fit Data form yet)
Go back to the Fit Data form. In the Fitting Variables tab, check only the Fiber Angle checkbox
Click the Fit button
Mesh→Render→Fibers… (Note: you should render mesh fibers, not fitting fibers)
Leave the default values and click OK
Click on fiber vectors4 in the list on the left
Click on the Colors tab
Change the R,G,B color field to 1,0,0 to change the color to the brightest red
Click on data vectors3 in the list on the left
Change the R,G,B color field to 0,1,0 to change the color to the brightest green
- Click somewhere in the rendered window to refresh the image
- The mesh should now look similar to the second screenshot above
Pre-built model
This cont6 file contains all data and parameters for this problem: fit3.cont6