Please see the following fitting examples in your Continuity installation directory:
- pcty/examples/data01 (A simple 2D 1 layer geometric fitting problem (prolate only))
- pcty/examples/data02 (A simple 2D fiber fitting problem)
- pcty/examples/data03 (A complex rabbit geometric fitting problem. Constraints are not set up properly yet.)
- pcty/examples/data04 (A 90-element pig mesh)
- pcty/examples/data05 (A problem to demonstrate nodal coupling for a geometric fit. Constraints are not set up proplery yet.)
- pcty/examples/data06 (A complex geometric fit example)
- Starts with 2D mesh
- Performs prolate fit
- Converts to cartesian
- Fits x,y, and z coordinates
- Changes to 3D problem