(deprecated) We use WordPress now.
Log files
There are 2 important files that are generated automatically and copied to where the CMRG site is located, these are:
- The file containing the number of user accounts
- The information on the number of times Continuity has been downloaded
Currently, these files are created on rocks-86 by a nightly crontab and then auto-copied to the proper location under the CMRG site.
The scripts that handle these steps are on rocks-86 under my home/contScripts directory.
Changing Continuity minor revision number
Whenever we change from 6.x to 6.y, a few files need to be changed to account for the new minor revision number, otherwise the files will not show up on the downloads page.
Under the MoinMoin site directory, the file GetReleases.py is currently only is looking for files with 6.3 and 6.4 in their names, so change that to include the new revision.
On the server that hosts the files for downloads, we need to change a cgi script that retrieves the list of revision numbers, as it is also only currently looking for 6.3 and 6.4. The file is allRevisionNumbers.cgi, see the pcty/installationTools/SetUpRelease.py for complete path to file.
Site info
The site is a MoinMoin implementation and is located on lys. Currently the site isn’t running under Apache on lys, but be-webapps handles the requests and forwards them to a specific port on lys that’s running the MoinMoin application.
Editing MoinMoin Files
You have to restart the MoinMoin service after making any changes to the source files.