Upgrading Python

Updating to Python 2.5


  1. Update Continuity using git as you normally would.

  2. It is recommended (although not required) that you uninstall python 2.3/2.4 from your system. You can do this using “Add/Remove Programs” in Control Panels. See the microsoft article if you need help removing programs.

  3. Download and install python 2.5. If you run Continuity using ContinuityClient.bat, you’ll need to change the CONTPYTHON environment variable to be C:/Python25/ or where ever you’re Python2.5 installation might be. See here for more information on changing environment variables.

  4. Run Continuity normally as you have in the past. When you do, you should get a prompt asking if you want to update MglTools. Click Yes. Let it finish and then click OK to exit.

  5. You should now be able to run Continuity just like you did previously.
  6. Don’t forget to update server binaries during your first run!


  1. Update Continuity using git as you normally would.

  1. Update MglTools by typing ./updatemgl from the Continuity root directory

  2. Run setup ( ./setup or sh setup)
  3. Add continuity root to your path: (i.e. export PATH=/home/your_name/cont_dev/:$PATH).
    • I recommend permanently adding this to your .bashrc file.
  4. Type continuity or continuityserver from anywhere to run the client or server respectively.

Linux (with Fortran binary compilation)

  1. Download and install python 2.5 and numpy. I recommend having your sys admin do these things, but if that’s not an option you can install them locally. See demonstrative script below for a general idea as to how to do this.
  2. Make sure you modify your path (preferably by permanently changing your .bashrc file) so that your new python2.5 is the first python in your path. For example, if your new python were installed /home/yourusername/userapps/bin, you’d add this line:
    •          export PATH=/home/yourusername/userapps/bin:$PATH

      to your .bashrc file, and then type “source .bashrc” to make the change take effect immediately.

  3. You should now be able to compile Continuity like normal (autoconf;./configure; make, etc.)
  4. Finally, you should be able to run Continuity just like you did previously (i.e. cd <cont>/pcty; python ContinuityDaemon.py)

#get to your home directory
cd ~

#make a directory where we will install everything
mkdir userapps

#make temporary directory for installation junk
mkdir temp_dir
cd temp_dir

#download Python and numpy
wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.5.2/Python-2.5.2.tgz
wget http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/numpy/numpy-1.0.4.tar.gz

#extract tar files we just downloaded
tar -xzvf Python-2.5.2.tgz 
tar -xzvf numpy-1.0.4.tar.gz

#build and install Python (longest step)
cd Python-2.5.2
./configure --prefix ~/userapps
make install
cd ..

#build make and install numpy
cd numpy-1.0.4
~/userapps/bin/python setup.py build
~/userapps/bin/python setup.py install --prefix ~/userapps
cd ..

#clean up left overs
rm Python-2.5.2.tgz 
rm numpy-1.0.4.tar.gz

rm -rf Python-2.5.2/
rm -rf numpy-1.0.4

#update your path; this should be added to your .bashrc file
export PATH=~/userapps/bin:$PATH

Mac (Intel)

  • See Linux instructions and adapt. Hopefully you are familiar with the terminal.

Mac (PPC)

  • No longer supported.