- This will describe the steps taken in the Continuity code that are required to go from a sympy user generated model to a compiled binary.
Each model type (e.g., Electrophysiology, Biomechanics, etc), extend the client/forms/ModelsForm class on the client side, which handles the model editor, and the server/utils/BuildSytem class on the server side, which handles compiling the model
The View Code, which displays the generated C/C++ code, option on the Compile tab is handled by ModelsForm.doGenerate, which calls the server command to generate the C/C++ code: (self.serverCmd(self.cmdPrefix + “generateCode”, [codeType])
Code Generation
The EP model editor is in client/forms/IonicModelsForm.
When hitting the ‘Compile’ button, ModelsForm.saveOrCompileOnServer is called.
The sympy code is generated next by IonicModelsForm.generateCode which calls client/forms/EPSympyGenerator. generateCode returns the sympy generated code as a string.
ModelsForm.saveOrCompileOnServer then calls the server at: server/utils/IonicBuildSympy.saveAndCompile (which is in
IonicBuildSympy.saveAndCompile will save the sympy code to the server in a file named
IonicBuildSympy.rawCompile will handle the sympy to C conversion and will call Instant to compile the model as follows:
rawCompile will call, which in-turn, calls which will generate the C code version of the sympy model, and will create files named: and ode_model_model_pert_delta.c.
- contains function ‘f’ and ode_model_model_pert_delta.c contains functions ‘advance_bes’ and ‘advance_be1’, which is called by advance_bes.
buildAndShow will then call which will read in the ode_model_model_pert_delta.c file and create the final version of the model, named either: ode_model_model_pert_delta_tweak_cpu.c or ode_model_model_pert_delta_tweak.c if we are using the CPU or GPU, respectively.
Finally, Instant will read in the source from src/ode_cuda/ode_solver_cpu.c and compile that file. The previously generated files ( and ode_model_model_pert_delta_tweak_cpu.c) are included in ode_solver_cpu.c via the #include select_cell_model.h directive.
- and are located in src/ode_cuda, but during compilation are copied to the directory where the binary get created.
Solving a Problem
- Solving starts in server/problem/
Biomechanics Dynamic + Constitutive Model
Code Generation
Currently, if you compile a dynamic model from the Dynamic Model Editor (starting from, it follows a different route than if you compile it in conjunction with a constitutive model.
- The steps below outline the scenario when compiling a constitutive model that has a dynamic model associated with it.
The compile button is linked to EquationsEditorNew.doCompile(), which calls ModelsForm.saveAndCompile, which calls ModelsForm.saveOrCompileOnServer, which calls generateCode
GenerateCode is subclassed in MatModelsForm.
MatModelsForm.generateCode will then call src/csrc/strain_energy/sympy_to_c.parse_table_file, which will parse all the equations and extract all the different variable types used in the equations.
If sympy_to_c.parse_table_file finds a variable type of ‘dynamic_var’, that will let the code generator know that it will also have to deal with a dynamic model, and will then call biomechanicsCommands.GenDynamics.
GenDynamics will generate the sympy code from the currently submitted dynamic model (stored_data.activeTensionEquations), by calling client/forms/EPSympyGenerator, which actually does the code generation.
GenDynamics will then call IonicBuildSympy.rawCompileDynamics
IonicBuildSympy.rawCompileDynamics will:
- Write the generated sympy code to
- Generate dynamicData.pickle
- Generate ode_model_model_pert_delta_tweak_cpu_mech.c
- Generate
dynamicData.pickle contains the state variables and the dynamic equation, which the constitutive model needs to know about. For example, for the Hilltype model, the dynamicData.pickle file contains:
[['Lsi', 'Con'], {'T_active': ' T_active = rpar_global[16]*y_global[0]*max(-0.01, (rpar_global[2] - y_global[1])/rpar_global[12])*max(y_global[1] - rpar_global[5], 0.0001);'}]
ode_model_model_pert_delta_tweak_cpu_mech.c contains the dynamic code that needs to be included with the constitutive model when it is compiled.
Now that the dynamic model has been compile, the code continues on in MatModelsForm.generateCode and will call sympy_to_c.generate_c
sympy_to_c.generate_c will generate the C code that gets compiled in src/csrc/strain_energy/strain_energy.cpp. During the code generation process, the code will look for the presence of the ode_model_model_pert_delta_tweak_cpu_mech.c file, and will include that into strain_energy.cpp if it is found.
Additionally, during the code gen process, if an equation is of the form “dynamicVar()“, it will then look for the dynamicData.pickle file and put that equation into strain_energy.cpp
Once all the code generation is completed, ModelsForm.saveOrCompileOnServer will call ConstitutiveBuildSympy.saveAndCompile, and eventually the final compilation will occur at ConstitutiveBuildSympy.rawCompile.
The dynamic binary is created in src/ode_cuda, but will be copied to pcty/server/problem/Biomechanics/ActiveTensionModels/<modelName>
- The constitutive binary is created in src/csrc/strain_energy and will be copied to pcty/server/problem/Biomechanics/ and will be renamed to constitutive model name.