- In this example a 3-D cylindrical mesh is created in cylindrical polar coordinates using one trilinear Lagrange element.
- The nodal coordinates and element connectivities are read from tab-delimited spreadsheets.
An automated script that runs this tutorial is included in the Continuity installation: examples\mesh05\ To run it, click File→Scripts→Read script→Python or session script
Start Continuity
- Launch the Continuity Client
On the About Continuity startup screen
leave the mesh checkbox checked under Use Modules:
Click OK to bring up the main window
Create coordinates and basis function
Select cylindrical polar in the Global Coordinates: pop-up menu
Note that we are not using rectangular cartesian as in most other tutorials
Click OK to submit Coordinate Form
Choose Hermite Basis Function→3D→Linear-Cubic-Cubic
Click Add Linear-Linear-Linear
- Verify that the list of basis functions now contains:
- Linear-Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3*3
- Linear-Cubic Hermite 3*3
- Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3
- Cubic-Linear Hermite 3*3
Click OK to submit Basis Form
Read nodes and elements
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited nodes file (nodes.xls)
- You should now have nodes numbered 1-4
Click OK to submit Node Form
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited elements file (elems.xls)
- You should now have only one element in the list
Click OK to submit Element Form
Calculate and render mesh
Click the lines radio button
Click Render to display mesh wireframe
The mesh should look simliar to the first screenshot above. You may need to rotate the image to get it to appear as in the first screen shot above. The other two screen shots show meshes that can be obtained by running the script indicated at the top of the tutorial.
Pre-built model
This cont6 file contains all data and parameters for this problem: mesh5.cont6