- These step-by-step instructions will guide you to fit a refined Finite Element mesh to an MRI data set of a sick rabbit heart in 3D space.
- Initial 2D geometries are created in order to fit with the data set.
The steps below are saved in a script that can be found in the examples directory on your Continuity client .../continuity/pcty/examples/data20/ and can be executed automatically with File→Scripts→Read script…
Start Continuity
- Launch the Continuity 6.3 Client
On the About Continuity 6.3 startup screen
check the fitting box under Use Modules:
Click OK.
Import Data
If the fitting menu is not loaded, File→Load Modules…
Select fitting and click OK
Browse the afni file ( sickrabbit0001.txt ) for the first File Name field and specify a folder in the second File Name field.
Leave unchanged the other fields, use only afni files referring to an MRI scanning with 254X254 pixel per slice, otherwise it is necessary to change the parameters in the command file that can be found in the examples directory on your Continuity client .../continuity/pcty/client/forms/
Click on OK.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time.
Check the folder specified before for new folders set containing the data images, you should have an xyz folder, Dcol1, Dcol2, Dcol3, evals, evec1, evec2, evec3, Frac Anisotropy, Mean Diffusivity, Mask, where you can find the RGB images for the values of respectively x y z coordinates, dxx dxy dxz diffusion tensor components, dyx dyy dyz diffusion tensor components, dzx dzy dzz diffusion tensor components, diffusion tensor eigenvalues, x y z components of first diffusion tensor eigenvector, x y z components of second diffusion tensor eigenvector, x y z components of third diffusion tensor eigenvector, Fractional Anisotropy, Mean Diffusivity and the mask.
Sometimes to obtain a valid data set to use in the fiber fitting is necessary to apply a cut off to the afni data based on Fractional Anisotropy as well as on Mean Diffusivity threshold values. If cut off is not necessary skip directly to the next section: Data Contours.
In the Stack List select the data set FracAnisotropy, the image should be similar to the left one below, then select the data set Mean Diffusivity, the image should be similar to the right one below.
Very low values of fractional anisotropy as well as high values detect tissue mechanical behavior far from cardiac muscle orthotropy. Check the FracAnisotropy image data set to approximately define which percentage of data fall in a good range of values.
Very low values of mean diffusivity reflect a low detection of fibers as well as too much high values reflect tissue-background interface. Check the Mean Diffusivity image data set to approximately define which percentage of data fall in a good range of values.
Open in a text editor the file ( ) and make it sure that value of root_dir variable in the first line corresponds to work directory path ( directory where you currently save this tutorial files).Change the values of the variable percfa and percmd with the percentage of data you need to keep respectively of fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity ( percentage need to be expressed in terms of unit fraction). Make sure that variable afniname correspond to the source afni file, see the header of the script in the image below.
File→Scripts→Read scripts…
Select file to create the pruned afni file. In the directory a file named sickrabbit-fa_md_xy_hk.txt should appear ( xy and hk represent the percentage values you choose expressed in two digits unit fraction)
- Close the Edit Images.
Edit Imges Table Manager→File→Open Afni…
Browse the pruned afni file for the first File Name field and specify a folder in the second File Name field.
Click on OK.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time.
Check the folder specified before for new folders set containing the pruned data images, you should have an xyz folder, Dcol1, Dcol2, Dcol3, evals, evec1, evec2, evec3, Frac Anisotropy, Mean Diffusivity, Mask, where you can find the RGB images for the values of respectively x y z coordinates, dxx dxy dxz diffusion tensor components, dyx dyy dyz diffusion tensor components, dzx dzy dzz diffusion tensor components, diffusion tensor eigenvalues, x y z components of first diffusion tensor eigenvector, x y z components of second diffusion tensor eigenvector, x y z components of third diffusion tensor eigenvector, Fractional Anisotropy, Mean Diffusivity and the mask.
In the Stack List select the data set FracAnisotropy, then select the data set Mean Diffusivity, check if the image data represents now a good set of values, otherwise repeat the prune procedure with different threshold values.
Data Contours
In the Stack List select the data set Dcol1.
In the Stack List select the data set Dcol1.
In the Transformation box specify the value of translation of data set, use -128 for x, and y and use -17 for z, as scaling value use 0.125 for x and y and use 1 for z.
In the Rotation box specify the value of rotation of data set, use 0 for u, 1 for v and 0 for z, Through angle of 90 degrees.
- According to DICOM Coordinate System, the Left Ventricle axis will be positioned parallel to X Cartesian Global Coordinate System from the apex to the base.
Set the Minimum and Maximum threshold value for heart tissue: Min=1, Max=255..
Put the slice scroll bar on the first slice of the stack and click on Apply threshold to subsequent images in stack and click on Label connected components.
Make it sure that the slice scroll bar is on the first slice of the stack. Click on Label Edges.
Click on Label Manager.
Make it sure that the slice scroll bar is on the first slice of the stack. In the Label Manager Table click on white and change it in to black, click OK, make sure that the slice scroll bar is on the first slice of the stack.
Now different contours, labeled by different colors, should identify the heart regions. Usually the red contour describes the Epicardium, the blue contour is related to the left ventricle and the green to right ventricle. Probably contour does not perfectly match region, click on a color on the color label bar, click on Pointer and adjust the shape of the contour with the pencil, use left click to create a point and right click to fill. To delete a contour use the black color label. To realize a valid set of data four different contour color label are needed, that are one for the Epicardium (use red), one for the left ventricle (use blue), one for the right ventricle free wall (use green) and one for the septum (use yellow). Depending on the number of slice such operation takes about an hour.
- Suggestion: to avoid loss of time it is necessary to save the masks once in a while.
Make it sure that the slice scroll bar is on the first slice of the stack. Flag Apply to subsequent images in stack and click on Save Masks….
To load masks: make it sure that the slice scroll bar is on the first slice of the stack. Flag Apply to subsequent images in stack and click on Load Masks….
- Suggestion: to avoid loss of time it is necessary to save the masks once in a while.
In the Calculate box select Voxel.
Set the number of pixel to skip for each data point in each slice x,y plane: Skip x=5, Skip y=5.
In the result box select Send to Data Form.
Click on Calculate.
- Do not close the Edit Images window and return to main window.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time.
- A data set should be appear in the list.
Click OK to submit Data form.
Alternatively load directly the data file using Fitting→Edit→Data…
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Select tab-delimited data file ( data_geo.txt ).
- A data set should be appear in the list (data points numbered form 0 to 2522).
Click OK to submit Data form.
Setup Initial Mesh
Select rectangular cartesian in the Global Coordinates: pop-up menu
Click OK to submit Coordinate Form
Choose Lagrange Basis Function→2D→Linear-Linear
Click Add
Choose Hermite Basis Function→2D→Cubic-Cubic
Click Add
- Verify that the list of basis functions now contains:
- Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3
- Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3
Click OK to submit Basis Form
Edit Images Table Manager→ Upper tables→Connect nodes
Click on Select… button and select Connected Tube….
- A circle will appear on your slices, see figure below.
Each yellow dot will produce a node in the initial mesh, use the Cylinder button to add nodes in the slice plane and use the Specify slices… button to specify their orthogonal position. Is worth to observe that number of nodes in each slice as well as number of specified slices define the accuracy of initial mesh.
- 2D initial mesh of the inner surface Left Ventricle.
Click on Pointer button and adjust position and orientation of the tube using inner and outer green dots. The first node of the tube – the yellow dot laying on the circle radius – has to be put on the left side of the axis that goes from left ventricle to the right ventricle.
- Add symmetrically two nodes in the semicircle on Right Ventricle side and six nodes in the other semicircle, in a way to obtain 12 nodes per slides.
Click on Specify slides… button and choose where in the axis heart direction nodes will create (slices 3,5,8,13,17,22,26).
Click on Tube 0 button and select Duplicate Previous Tube… repeat operation twice more, Tube 1, Tube2 and Tube 3 will create.
- 2D initial mesh of the septum Right Ventricle surface including mid surface between Left Ventricle and Epicardium.
Select Tube 1 button and click on Specify slides… button and choose where in the axis heart direction nodes will create (slices 2,5,8,13,17,22,26).
- 2D initial mesh of the Right Ventricle free wall.
Select Tube 2 button and click on Specify slides… button and choose where in the axis heart direction nodes will create (slices 8,13,17,22,26).
Flag out Closed box, click on Pointer button and delete, with right clicking, all dots lying on Left Ventricle side semicircle.
- 2D initial mesh of the Epicardium surface.
Select Tube 3 button and click on Specify slides… button and choose where in the axis heart direction nodes will create (slices 1,4,8,13,17,22,26).
Flag Edit slice and operate on each single point for every slice in each tube to define the initial mesh shape, dots would now appear blue.
Click on Pointer button and change circle position and dimension operating on the inner and outer green dots. Move single blue dots on tube relative data contour (ex.: dots of Tube0 on blue contour).
- To realize a good final mesh is necessary to avoid torsion in the tube as much as possible and put for the different tubes the nodes, that will connected in the 3D mesh, in radial direction ( such operation for the used kind of mesh, depending on the accuracy needed, will take from half to one and half hour).
Edit Images Table Manager→Upper tables→Calculate
In the Calculate box select Connected nodes.
Set the number of pixel to skip for each data point in each slice x,y plane: Skip x=5, Skip y=5.
In the result box select Send to Nodes Form.
Click on Calculate.
- Close the Edit Images window and return to main window.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time.
- A set of nodes should be appear in the list (nodes numbered form 1 to 277).
- To perform a good mesh the 12 nodes at apex level for every 2D surface, but Right Ventricle free wall, have to lie in the same position.
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Save the file and change the x,y apex coordinates with a text editor for each 2D mesh surface (1-12 Left Ventricle, 85-96 Septum and mid surface, 194-205 Epicardium).
Find the center of the smallest circle in which is possible to inscribe the nodes lying in the upper mesh level of the same 2D surface, and use its x,y coordinates for the relative apex ( upper nodes: 13-24 Left Ventricle node numbers, 97-106 Septum and mid surface node numbers, 206-217 Epicardium node numbers).
- Save the file.
- Select the modified nodes file.
Click OK to submit Node form
- A set of 2D elements should be appear in the list (four nodes elements numbered form 1 to 232).
Click OK to submit Element form.
Enter 1 for the xi1,xi2, and xi3 fields under New Element per old element in.
- Flag Preserve Nodes Number.
Click OK to submit.
Select Cubic Cubic Hermite under Coordinate 1, Coordinate 2, and Coordinate3.
- Click OK to submit.
- Alternatively load directly the nodes file as well as the elements file.
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Select tab-delimited nodes file ( nodes_init.txt )
Click OK to submit Nodes form.
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Select tab-delimited 2D (four nodes) elements file ( elems_2D.txt ).
Click OK to submit Elements form.
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
- The mesh should now look similar to the first screenshot above.
Refine mesh for geometrical fitting
Enter under New Element per old element in the refining values for the initial mesh in xi1 for direction s1, in xi2 for direction s2, and 1 for xi3 as in the 2D initial mesh elements have no s3 direction, in this tutorial values 1 for xi1, 1 for xi2, and 1 for xi3 are used.
Be sure that Preserve nodes numbers is not flagged.
Click OK to submit
Click the lines radio button
Click Render to display mesh
- The mesh should now still look like the first screenshot.
Open in a text editor the file ( ) and make it sure that value of root_dir variable in the first line corresponds to work directory path ( directory where you currently save this tutorial files). Change the values of the variable related to 2D initial mesh tubes: number of nodes in each slice on Left Ventricle side, variable name ttlvf, number of nodes in each slice on Right Ventricle side, variable name ttrvf, number of slices in tube 2 ( Right Ventricle Free Wall 2D mesh), variable name tmrvf, number of slices in tube 0 ( mesh division along heart axis) use at least two slice below septum junction, variable name tmax. Specify used refine values in s1 and s2 direction, variable name rs1 and rs2 respectively. Refer to the header of the script in the image below.
File→Scripts→Read scripts…
Select file to create the geometrical fitting constrains file.
- Script will add labels to the nodes of the initial mesh as reported in the table below.
Nodes |
Left Ventricle |
Mid Nodes |
Epicardium |
tube0 |
tube1 |
tube2 |
tube3 |
Apex first node |
Endo_Ap1 |
Mid_Ap1 |
– |
Epi_Ap1 |
Apex rest of the nodes |
Endo_Apex |
Mid_Apex |
– |
Epi_Ape |
Apex upper level |
Endo_Upex |
Mid_Upex |
– |
Epi_Upex |
Nodes between apex upper level and septum junction |
Endo_Lmnd |
Mid_Lmnd |
– |
Epi_Lmnd |
Nodes starting form septum junction level |
Endo_Umnd |
Mid_Umnd |
– |
Epi_Umnd |
Node at anterior corner junction |
Endo_Srjca |
Mid_Srjca |
Rvfw_Rsjca |
Epi_Srjca |
Nodes at horizontal septum junction |
Endo_Srjh |
Mid_Srjh |
Rvfw_Rsjh |
Epi_Srjh |
Node at posterior corner junction |
Endo_Srjcp |
Mid_Srjcp |
Rvfw_Rsjcp |
Epi_Srjcp |
Nodes at vertical septum junction |
Endo_Srjv |
Mid_Srjv |
Rvfw_Rsjv |
Epi_Srjv |
- Script will will create in the directory specified a geometrical fitting constrain file, “constrains.txt”, and a file with the 3D element list, “Elem3D.txt”, to define the 3D element mesh while the geometrical fitting will performed, see further.
Fit Geometries to the Data
- For all three coordinates, fill in the values according to the table below ( use these as a starting guide)
s(1) |
s(1)s(1) |
s(2) |
s(1)s(2) |
s(2)s(2) |
s(3) |
s(1)s(3) |
s(2)s(3) |
s(3)s(3) |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
- Select tab-delimited constrains file, “constrains.txt”, create before through the script “”(see before).
Alternatively use the constrains file( Constrains.txt ).
Click OK to submit Constrains form.
- What fit constrains file defines:
Fit constrains file defines for each nodes of the mesh which constrain apply to fitting data degrees of freedom ( i.e. Xi, dXi/ds1, dXi/ds2, dXi2/ ds1ds2, dXi/ds3, dXi2/ ds2ds3, dXi2/ ds1ds3, dXi3/ ds1ds2ds3; i=1-3), in terms of absolute value or linking to other node fitting data degree of freedom.
- What fit constrains file defines:
- Apex fitting constrains
In each of the 2D surface mesh Apex, i.e. in the Left Ventricle, Septum and Epicardium, nodes fitting is rigid, in the meanings that, during the fitting, distance between nodes remains the same. Moreover the derivates dXidXi/ds1, dXi/ds2, dXi2/ ds1ds2, i=1-3, are set equal to zero. While for the nodes laying in the upper level dXi2/ ds1ds2, i=1-3, are set to zero in a way to avoid mesh distortions due to nodes apex coincidence position.
- Right Ventricle junction
In the fitting, edge of Right Ventricle 2D mesh surface needs to be fixed to mesh Septum through two coupled vertical lines of nodes on left side, two coupled vertical lines of nodes on right side, two coupled horizontal lines of nodes and four nodes at their intersection – two on left and two on right side. Nodes laying on vertical lines are coupled in their position and in derivate dXi/ds2, i=1-3. Nodes laying on horizontal line are coupled in their position and in derivate dXi/ds1, i=1-3. Nodes laying at vertical and horizontal lines intersection are coupled in their position and in derivate dXi/ds1, dXi/ds2, i=1-3.
In the Coordinates tab, select coord_1, coord_2, coord_3 for the three coordinates.
In the Constrains tab, flag ‘Also apply constrains to initial nodal degrees of freedom before fit`.
In the Fitting Variables tab, flag Coordinate 1, Coordinate 2 and Coordinate 3
In the Xi Projections tab, enter blue,yellow,green,red for Data list and 1-72,73-144,145-160,161-232 for Use points in element list.
- It means that nodes belong to Left Ventricle endocardium initial mesh ( numbered from 1 to 84) will fit to data points related to blue contour; nodes belong to Septum and middle nodes surface initial mesh ( numbered from 85 to 168) will fit to data points related to yellow contour and so on. Check the color contour you used before to generate data points to find the relative initial mesh surface.
If another level of refine is used the nodes number to put in Use points in element list field will change. Once the script “”, see before, has run, search in the working directory for sel.txt file, where the exact node list to use in Use points in element list is reported.
- It means that nodes belong to Left Ventricle endocardium initial mesh ( numbered from 1 to 84) will fit to data points related to blue contour; nodes belong to Septum and middle nodes surface initial mesh ( numbered from 85 to 168) will fit to data points related to yellow contour and so on. Check the color contour you used before to generate data points to find the relative initial mesh surface.
Flag Ignore points with and enter 1.2 in distance > and 1.5 in dot product >
Click the Fit button on the bottom.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time as well as fitting error approximation.
- To perform a smooth geometrical fitting the conditions prescribed in the scheme above are followed, constrains.txt file ensures the right position of the apex and RVFW, the derivates conditions at RV junction, as well as smoothing derivates at apex and apex upper levels.
- Note that the apex surfaces will be tangent to the plane orthogonal to the Left Ventricle axis as much as such axis will aligned to one of the Cartesian Global Coordinate System axes.
- Alternatively load directly the fitted nodes file.
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Select tab-delimited nodes file ( nodes_fit.txt )
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
Check the 2D surfaces fitting
In the Open Mesh Controls select each element in Rendering order, for each of them in the Properties tab disable the Show/Hide flag in the Visibility section.
- No lines will render.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 1-72, to render 2D mesh of Endocardium lines of Left Ventricle ( tube0).
- If another level of refine is used the elements number to put in will change. Once the script “”, see before, has run, search in the working directory for sel.txt file, where the exact elements list to use for Endocardium surface ( tube0) is reported.
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 1-72, to render 2D mesh of Endocardium surface of Left Ventricle ( tube0).
Click surface radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
In Data Points specify the color label used for Endocardium surface of Left Ventricle data contour points (i.e. red, blue, green, yellow or all, depending on colors contour used).
Select Points and click OK.
In Open Mesh Controls, a set of lines more, a set of element surfaces and a set of datapoints should appear, disable the Show/Hide flag for such elements.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 73-144, to render 2D mesh of Middle nodes and Septum lines ( tube1).
- If another level of refine is used the elements number to put in will change. Once the script “”, see before, has run, search in the working directory for sel.txt file, where the exact elements list to use for Middle nodes and Septum lines ( tube1) is reported.
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 73-144, to render 2D mesh of Middle nodes and Septum surface ( tube1).
Click surfaces radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
In Data Points specify the color label used for Endocardium surface of Left Ventricle data contour points (i.e. red, blue, green, yellow or all, depending on colors contour used).
Select Points and click OK.
In Open Mesh Controls, a set of lines more, a set of element surfaces more and a set of datapoints more should appear, disable the Show/Hide flag for such elements.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 145-160, to render 2D mesh of Endocardium Right Ventricle Free Wall lines ( tube2).
- If another level of refine is used the elements number to put in will change. Once the script “”, see before, has run, search in the working directory for sel.txt file, where the exact elements list to use for Right Ventricle Free Wall ( tube2) is reported.
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 145-160, to render 2D mesh of Endocardium Right Ventricle Free Wall surface ( tube2).
Click surfaces radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
In Data Points specify the color label used for Endocardium surface of Left Ventricle data contour points (i.e. red, blue, green, yellow or all, depending on colors contour used).
Select Points and click OK.
In Open Mesh Controls, a set of lines more, a set of element surfaces more and a set of datapoints more should appear, disable the Show/Hide flag for such elements.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 161-232, to render 2D mesh of Epicardium line ( tube3).
- If another level of refine is used the elements number to put in will change. Once the script “”, see before, has run, search in the working directory for sel.txt file, where the exact elements list to use for Epicardium ( tube3) is reported.
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
Put in the Element List elements in the range 161-232, to render 2D mesh of Epicardium surface ( tube3).
Click surfaces radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
In Data Points specify the color label used for Epicardium surface data contour points (i.e. red, blue, green, yellow or all, depending on colors contour used).
Select Points and click OK.
In Open Mesh Controls, a set of lines more, a set of element surfaces more and a set of datapoints more should appear.
Convert to 3D
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
- Select tab-delimited 3D elements file, “Elem3D”, create before through the script “”(see before).
Alternatively use the 3D elements file( Elem3D.txt ).
- You should now have 1-144 elements in the list.
Click OK to submit Element form.
Remove the two basis functions currently in the list by selecting each and then clicking the Subtract button.
Choose Lagrange Basis Function→3D→Linear-Linear-Linear
Click Add Linear-Linear-Linear
Choose Choose Hermite Basis Function→3D→Cubic-Cubic-Linear
Click Add Hermite Basis Function→3D→Cubic-Cubic-Linear
- Verify that the list of basis functions now contains:
- Linear-Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3*3
- Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3
- Cubic-Cubic-Linear Hermite 3*3*3
- Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3
- Cubic- Linear Hermite 3*3
- Linear-Cubic Hermite 3*3
Click OK to submit Basis Form.
Select Cubic-Cubic-Linear under Coordinate 1, Coordinate 2, and Coordinate3.
- Such base lets the mesh fit geometrical data by third order Hermite approximation along the first and second local element coordinates direction, while a linear approximation is used along the third direction in a way to let the relative elements face lies in the MRI slice planes.
Select Linear-Linear-Linear under Field Variable 1, Field Variable 2, and Field Variable 3, for Field Vector 1, Field Vector 2, and Field Vector 3.
Such base is used as first fitting approximation of fiber orientation, a Cubic-Cubic-Cubic base can be used to perform a better fitting.
Click OK to submit Node Form.
Click lines radio button.
Click Render to display mesh.
Click surface radio button.
Select 2 as Xi local coordinate at Location 1.0
Click Render to display mesh.
Click surface radio button.
Select 3 as Xi local coordinate at Location 1.0
Click Render to display mesh.
Click surface radio button.
Select 3 as Xi local coordinate at Location 0.0
Click Render to display mesh.
- The mesh should now look similar to the third screenshot above.
- Save model.
Edit DTI Data
Mesh→Edit→Material Coordinates…
Select MatCoordSimple.
Click on Submit in Submit table.
Select the Save, reset, and reload radio button on the bottom.
Click OK.
Edit Images Table Manager→File→Open Stack
Select bitmap MRI images folder Dcol1.
Edit Images Table Manager→File→Open Stack
Select bitmap MRI images folder Dcol2.
Edit Images Table Manager→File→Open Stack
Select bitmap MRI images folder Dcol3.
In the Stack List select the data set Dcol1.
In the Transformation box specify the value of translation of data set, use -128.5 for x and y and use -17 for z, as scaling value use 0.125 for x and y and use 1 for z.
In the Rotation box specify the value of rotation of data set, use 0 for u, 1 for v and 0 for z, Through angle of 90 degrees.
Set the Minimum and Maximum threshold value for heart tissue: Min=1, Max=255..
Put the slice scroll bar on the first slice of the stack and flag Apply to subsequent images in stack.
Make it sure that the slice scroll bar is on the first slice of the stack. Click on Apply threshold to subsequent images in stack.
Click on Label Manager.
In the Calculate box select Tensor.
Set the number of pixel to skip for each data point in each slice x,y plane: Skip x=5, Skip y=5.
In the result box select Send to Data Form.
Click on Calculate.
- Close the Edit Images window and return to main window.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time.
- A data set should be appear in the list (data points numbered form 1 to 20971).
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
- Save the file as datapoints20971.txt
Click OK to submit Data form.
- Save model.
Fit Fibers to the Data
Open in a text editor the file ( ) and make it sure that value of root_dir variable in the first line corresponds to work directory path ( directory where you currently save this tutorial files).
File→Scripts→Read scripts…
Select file to perform the fibers fitting.
- Fitting weights follow the values according to the table below.
s(1) |
s(1)s(1) |
s(2) |
s(1)s(2) |
s(2)s(2) |
s(3) |
s(1)s(3) |
s(2)s(3) |
s(3)s(3) |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
- Fitting constrains prescribe same values for nodes shearing position.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time.
A pop up Continuity Table Manager window will appear.
Continuity Table Manager→File→Save…
- Save the file as datapoints20971xis.txt
Continuity Table Manager window will close.
First Button (Python IDLE Shell),check the calculating time as well as fitting error approximation.
- The mesh should now look similar to the fourth screenshot above.
- Save model.