- These step-by-step instructions will guide you through fitting a more complicate data set in 3D space
- The data set is obtained from 4 long-axis slices of left ventricle
- Initial truncated elipsoidal geometry is created in order to fit with the data set
- An automated script that runs this tutorial up to the point of changing to 3D is included in the Continuity installation: examples\data07\ To run it, click File→Scripts→Read script…
Start Continuity
- Launch the Continuity Client
On the About Continuity startup screen
check the fitting box under Use Modules:
Click OK to bring up the main window
Setup intial mesh
Select prolate spheriodal in the Global Coordinates: pop-up menu4
Enter 3.75 next to the Focus Position field
Click OK to submit Coordinate Form
Choose Lagrange Basis Function→2D→Linear-Linear
Click Add Linear-Linear
Choose Hermite Basis Function→2D→Cubic-Cubic
Click Add Cubic-Cubic
- Verify that the list of basis functions now contains:
- Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3*
- Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3
Click OK to submit Basis Form
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited nodes file ( nodes.xls )
- You should now have nodes numbered 1-40
Select Cubic-Cubic Hermite under Coordinate 1, Coordinate 2 and under Coordinate 3
Click OK to submit Node Form
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited elements file ( elems.xls )
- You should now elements numbered 1-32 in the list
Click OK to submit Element Form
If the Fitting menu is not loaded, select File→Load Continuity Modules…
Select fitting and click OK
- The menu bar should now show the Fitting command
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited data file ( data.xls )
- You should now have Data numbered 1-686 in the list
Click OK to submit Data Form
- For all three coordinates, fill in the values according to the table below (use these as a starting guide)
- For all three coordinates, fill in the values according to the table below (use these as a starting guide)
Click Import/Export/Graph button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select tab-delimited data file ( constraints.xls )
Click OK to submit Data Constraints Form
Click the lines radio button
Click Render
Click OK
Click on datapoints2 in the list on the left
Go to the Properties tab
Drag the Quality value to 4
Close the window by click the X button
- The mesh should now look similar to the first screenshot
Fit prolate in lambda
In the Cooridinates tab, select coord_1, coord_2, coord_3 for the three coordinates
In the Xi Projections tab, enter 1-343 for Data list and 1-16 for Use points in element list
In the Fitting Variables tab, deselect all three coordinates
Click the Fit button on the bottom
Go back to the Xi Projections tab. Enter 344-686 for Data list and 17-32 for Use points in element list
Go back to the Fitting Variables tab and againdeselect all three coordinates
Click the Fit button on the bottom again
In the Fitting Variables tab, select only Coordinate 1
Click the Fit button one more time
Close the window by click the X button
Click the lines radio button
Click Render
Click on elements lines3 in the list on the left
Click on the Colors tab
Change the R,G,B color field to 1, 0, 0 to change the color to the brightest red and then hit Enter
- The mesh should now look similar to the second screenshot
Convert to 3D
Click Import/Export button to open Continuity Table Manager
Continuity Table Manager→File→Open…
Select the second tab-delimited elements file ( elems2.xls )
- You should now have elements 1-16 in the list
Click OK to submit Element Form
Remove the two basis functions currently in the list by selecting each and then clicking the Subtract button.
Choose Hermite Basis Function→3D→Cubic-Cubic-Linear
Click Add Cubic-Cubic-Linear
Choose Hermite Basis Function→3D→Cubic-Cubic-Cubic
Click Add Cubic-Cubic-Cubic
Choose Lagrange Basis Function→3D→Linear-Linear-Linear
Click Add Linear-Linear-Linear
- Verify that the list of basis functions now contains:
- Cubic-Cubic-Linear Hermite 3*3*3
- Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3
- Cubic-Linear Hermite 3*3
- Linear-Cubic Hermite 3*3
- Cubic-Cubic-Cubic Hermite 3*3*3
- Linear-Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3*3
- Linear-Linear Lagrange 3*3
Click OK to submit Basis Form
Select Cubic-Cubic-Linear under Coordinate 1
Select Linear-Linear-Linear under Coordinate 2 and Coordinate 3
Select Cubic-Cubic-Linear under Field Variable 1 in the Field Vector 1 tab
Click OK to submit Node Form
Enter 1 for xi1, 1 for xi2, and 1 for xi3 under New Element per old element in
Click OK to submit
Select Cubic-Cubic-Cubic under Coordinate 1, Coordinate 2, and Coordinate 3
Select Cubic-Cubic-Cubic under Field Variable 1 in the Field Vector 1 tab
Click OK to submit Node Form
Click lines radio button
Click Render to display mesh
Click on elements lines4 in the list on the left
Click on the Colors tab
Change the R,G,B color field to 0, 0.5, 0.5 to change the color to the brightest red and then hit Enter
Close the window by click the X button
- The mesh should now look similar to the third screenshot
Pre-built model
This cont6 file contains all data and parameters for this problem prior to changing it to 3D: fit2_a.cont6 This cont6 file contains all data and parameters for this problem after changing to 3D: fit2_b.cont6 The model is also loaded into the Continuity database (ID: 1303) with run scripts in the script manager.