Note: Where needed, relevant files are linked to in individual tutorials. If you wish, you can also download a bundle of all of these files from here: Each exercise also contains a pre-built cont6 model file that contains all the necessary data to be loaded for the exercise (excluding results from a solve operation). If you wish to skip the basic steps in the tutorials or compare your results, you may simply load that cont6 file in Continuity and then perform the Send, Solve, and Render operations as needed.
Mesh Module
Creating 1-, 2- and 3-Dimensional Linear Lagrange and Cubic Hermite Elements
Coordinate Systems
Fibers and Fields
Mesh Generation (Segmenting images, mesh fitting and importing into Continuity)
Fitting Module
Additional fitting examples
Click here to try them now
Electrophysiology Module
Ten Tusscher propagation on a 3072-element Biventricular mesh
Suggested experimentation [deprecated link]
Biomechanics Module
Calculate Strain in a 3D Block from Prescribed Displacements
Passive inflation of a prolate spheroidal left ventricular model
Dog model with dynamic and constitutive model coupled with closed loop circulation